
Here are the forms needed for your session. Each form is numbered. Please download and fill out the forms that correspond with the form numbers given to you.

1. INWALLC Client Intake FormRequired for all clients. Bring completed to the first session. DO NOT fill out the Social Security Number. This is only for special cases. Fill out form as best as you can.

2. Recording Consent Statement FormRequired for all clients. Bring completed to the first session. Must be filled out.

3. Symptom Survey – A survey of all symptoms from the past two years through today. Place a check mark next all that apply.

4. EFT on a Page – EFT 1 Page technique.

5. Food List – List of foods to check off for diet check. Check off what you currently eat.

6. Dosha Survey – A tendency survey of Ayurvedic dosha types.

7. Daily Energy Exercises – Daily exercises to keep energy balanced and unblocked.

8. COVID GuidelinesRequired for all clients. Bring completed to the first session. Must be filled out.